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Showing Collections: 71 - 80 of 189

Deborah Sprigg Collection

Identifier: 2017.002
Content Description

This collection contains information about the Freeman and Hooker family genealogy, wills, and eligibility for the Colonial Dames and Daughters of the American Revolution societies. The Hooker and Freeman families were prominent members of the community in North Carolina. The collection also includes Bible pages contain dates of marriages, births, and deaths of the N. P. Hagewood family.

Dates: 1800 - 1926

Descendants of Mary Selina Rose, Photographs

 Collection — Container: Assorted Photograph Collections, Box 7, Folder: 3
Identifier: 2009.008
Scope and Contents

Reproduction photographs of family and descendants of Mary Selina Rose (1838-1926).

Dates: circa 1864-1970

Directory - Church of Christ, Clarksville

 Item — Container: Assorted Collections, Box 1, Folder: 15
Identifier: 2017.040
Content Description

1934 Membership Directory for the Church of Christ, Clarksville, Tennessee. This church was formerly located at Franklin and Seventh Streets.

Dates: 1934

District 5, Montgomery County, Magistrate's Docket Book

Identifier: 1000.038
Scope and Contents This collection consists of a docket book that belonged to James H. Achey (aar·chr·ee). He served as magistrate of District 5 from 1878 through 1900 in Port Royal, TN. As a magistrate, Achey presided over minor civil law suits between citizens of District 5. This docket book documents the civil cases that he heard from October 14, 1882 through December 21, 1895. The docket book also includes a small number of criminal case proceedings presided over by Achey from May 24, 1887 through November...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1882-10-14 - 1895-12-21; 1882-10-14 - 1929-10-01

District 11, Montgomery County, Magistrate's Docket Book

Identifier: 2019.056
Scope and Contents This magistrate docket book contains a record of court cases brought before magistrates of the 11th District of Montgomery County, primarily W.H. and G.A. Crotzer. The docket book, which dates from 1856 to 1910, consists of nearly sixty years of records which pertain to civil and criminal county court case proceedings. This item presents a robust and comprehensive record of legal disputes for the 11th District in the Montgomery County, County Court from the late 1800s to early 1900s....
Dates: 1856-07-19 - 1910-04-25

Don Sundquist Autographed Calendars Collection

Identifier: 1000.037
Content Description

The Don Sundquist Autographed Calendar Collection houses four calendars prepared by the United States Congress that were signed by former Tennessee Governor and Congressman Don Sundquist. This collection dates from 1986 to 1994, and contains reminders of specific events during the early years of the United States.

Dates: 1986 - 1994

Donley Family Collection

Identifier: 2014.010
Scope and Contents The bulk of this collection consists of correspondence from Harden Donley to Doris Donley from 1943-1944 while he was enlisted in the Army. This includes letters, postcards, and telegrams, demonstrating the various ways that soldiers kept in touch with family and friends during World War II. There is additional correspondence from family and friends directed to Doris Donley (and in some cases Harden Donley as well). Researchers may also be interested in documents regarding the 1968...
Dates: Majority of material found within 1939 - 1975

Dottie Williams McCauley Collection

Identifier: 2000.003

The Dottie Williams McCauley Collection was donated by her daughter, Becky Jarrell, in 2000. This collection contains 33 items, consisting of documents related to home economics, agriculture, and local events in Middle Tennessee. It includes pamphlets, newspaper clippings, and magazines.

Dates: 1914 - 1977

Dr. John W. Wickham Papers Collection

Identifier: 2018.014

This collection contains approximately 150 items of letters, holiday cards, physician notebooks, and photographs pertaining to the Wickham family.

Dates: 1883 - 2002

Dr. Robert Burt and Bailey Cobb History Publication

 Item — Container: Assorted Collections, Box 2, Folder: 15
Identifier: 1000.048
Content Description

Spiral bound book on the lives of Dr. Robert T. Burt and Bailey Cobb, as well as the schools named after both men. This publication appears to be either a draft version or incomplete as according to the table of contents there are numerous pages that should include photographs but none are present in the publication.

Dates: ca. 1999

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Montgomery County (Tenn.) 40
Clarksville (Tenn.) 18
Maps 9
Montgomery County (Tenn.)--Genealogy 9
School yearbooks 9
∨ more
Women -- Societies and clubs 9
Scrapbooks 8
Genealogy 7
Public schools -- Montgomery County (Tenn.) 7
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 7
Church history 6
Correspondence 6
County government -- Records and correspondence 6
Historic buildings 6
Photographs 6
Tennessee -- Politics and government 6
World War, 1939-1945 6
Roads 5
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 4
Court records 4
Montgomery County (Tenn.) -- History, Local 4
Portraits 4
Real property -- Montgomery County (Tenn.) -- Maps 4
World War, 1914-1918 4
Advertising 3
Agriculture -- Montgomery County (Tenn.) 3
Athletics 3
Cemeteries 3
Directories 3
Families 3
Fashion -- History -- 20th century 3
Government correspondence 3
Industries--Tennessee--Clarksville. 3
Newspapers 3
Periodicals 3
United States -- Armed Forces -- Military life 3
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Women 3
Urban renewal 3
Advertising, Political 2
African American families 2
Athletes 2
Banks and banking -- Records and correspondence 2
Children 2
Church buildings 2
City promotion 2
Clarksville (Tenn.)--Genealogy 2
Clarksville (Tenn.)--Social life and customs--20th century--Anecdotes 2
Commencement ceremonies 2
Community development 2
Confederate States of America 2
Dunbar Cave (Tenn. : Cave) 2
Finance, Public 2
Fort Campbell (Ky. and Tenn.) 2
Gardening -- Societies, etc. 2
Gardening -- Tennessee 2
Greeting cards 2
High school seniors 2
High school student activities 2
Home economics 2
Insurance policies 2
Landowners--Tennessee--Montgomery County. 2
Marriage records 2
Municipal government -- Records and correspondence 2
Obituaries 2
Politicians 2
Programs 2
Public architecture 2
Railroads 2
Small business 2
Societies and clubs 2
Tobacco industry 2
Tornado damage 2
Transportation 2
Yearbooks 2
Account books 1
Adams (Tenn.) 1
Adonis River (Nahr Ibrahim) 1
Adonis River Valley 1
Advertising -- Tourism -- Clarksville (Tenn.) 1
Advertising fliers 1
African American business enterprises 1
African American businesspeople 1
African American schools 1
African American women civic leaders 1
Air pilots, Military 1
American Legion--History 1
Annual reports 1
Architecture 1
Autographs 1
Bands (Music) 1
Baton twirling 1
Bible records 1
Black Patch War, 1906-1909 1
Blackface 1
Blueprints 1
Book clubs (Discussion groups) 1
Budget 1
Building failures 1
Building sites -- Planning 1
Bulletin of the U.S. Department of Agriculture 1
∧ less
Jill Hastings-Johnson 15
Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library 14
Clarksville High School (Clarksville, Tenn.) 7
Austin Peay State University 5
Rubel, Randy 4
∨ more
Russo, Hedy 4
Stacey, Sandra 4
Stokes, Calvin C. 4
Adkins, Ann 3
Boaz, Margery 3
Knight, Peggy 3
Montgomery County (Tenn.). Accounts and Budgets 3
Piatt, Dorothy 3
Smith, James Meredith 3
Austin Peay State College 2
Clarksville Area Chamber of Commerce 2
Clarksville High School (Clarksville, Tenn.). Band 2
Clarksville Housing Authority 2
Clarksville-Montgomery County Regional Planning Commission 2
Collier, Jessie Mae 2
Cunningham, John T. (John Talley), 1877-1945 2
Fry, Sarah 2
Gannaway, Bristol 2
Highway Department 2
Hodgson 2
Hunt, Arthur, Jr., 1922-2015 2
Hunter, Evelyn Homer Glenn, 1927-2013 2
Kirk, Matt 2
Lavery, Valerie W. 2
Long, Linda 2
Montgomery County (Tenn.). Circuit Court 2
Montgomery County (Tenn.). County Court Clerk's Office 2
Montgomery County Historical Society (Tenn.) 2
Powers, Jane Karhu, 1957- 2
Tennessee State Library and Archives 2
Waters, Charles 2
Winn, Howard 2
1980 Charter Commission 1
Adkins 1
Adkins, Charlotte Nicodemus V., 1919-1987 1
Adkins, Frank E., 1914-1945 1
Allen, William Bailey 1
Alley, Anne Evans 1
Amateur Garden Club (1942-) (Clarksville, Tn.) 1
American Legion 1
Ammons, Christopher D., 1948- 1
Armstrong, Millie 1
Ary, Debbie 1
Austin Peay State University. Alumni Association 1
Bagwell, Keith 1
Barge, Waggoner and Sumner 1
Barksdale Elementary School (Clarksville, Tenn.) (1962-) 1
Bartee, John 1
Basham, Hershal 1
Batterson, Martiea Joan, 1931-2019 1
Beaumont, H.F. (Henry Francis), 1799-1864 1
Beaumont, T.W. (Thomas W.), 1830-1861 1
Bell, Walter Abram, 1856-1911 1
Bennett, Bertha Ailean Marklin, 1912-2000 1
Bennett, V.L., 1909-1980 1
Bethlehem United Methodist Church 1
Black Jack Hunting and Fishing Club 1
Black, Edward M. 1
Boiling Spring Cemetery 1
Bonanza International Development Corporation 1
Bowman family 1
Bowman, John H. (John Hite), 1798-1878 1
Bruder, Bruce 1
Burney, Charles Wesley 1
Campbell, Joan 1
Carnohan family 1
Carnohan, Annie Rutherford, 1877-1963 1
Central Civitan Club 1
Chadwick, Wes 1
Church of Christ. Clarksville (Tenn.) 1
Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.) 1
Civilian Conservation Corps. C District 1
Clarksville (Tenn.). Office of the City Mayor 1
Clarksville Federation of Women's Clubs 1
Clarksville Female Academy 1
Clarksville Jaycettes 1
Clarksville Leaf Chronicle 1
Confederate States of America. Department of the Treasury 1
Contemporary Book Club (Clarksville, Tn.) 1
Crotzer, George A., 1856-1924 1
Crotzer, William H., 1828-1906 1
Crow, Charles, Jr. 1
Crow, Charles, Sr., 1916-1993 1
Cunningham, James Chapman 1
Davidson, Robert D. 1
Davis, Barbara 1
Davis, J. C. 1
Deal, Ida Sisk 1
Drye, Wilma K., 1940-2008 1
Duncan, Sharon 1
Dunigan, C. James (Clyde), 1928-2016 1
Durrett, Dawson 1
Eversole, Dwight A. 1
Fatlan, Susan 1
Felts, Janet L. 1
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